Monday, June 17, 2013

Preview of What's to Come

This last week and a half has been the most hectic week of my life.  A combination of problems with the car and work being crazy really took its toll on me and I really can't wait until I can get some time to relax...

Now I'm not done with everything so you're all going to have to wait a little while longer.  I'm hoping here in the next 3 days I'll have it all together and I can bless you all with my biggest update on the car yet.  Until then, here's a couple snap shots of what's gone on over the past week.

I hope everyone is as excited about my next update as I am.  Heck I should be saying my next 2 possibly even 3 updates!  There's a lot to talk about, installing parts, more problems then a white trash single mom, and some kick ass drifting action!  Proving Grounds is less then a week away!

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